B.Tech. (1st year)
(Important Questions)
Hello Everyone, Welcome to our Blog My Notes . Today we are going to share Important questions of physics. These questions are important of 1st year so don,t waste your time right down these questions or you can downoad the complete docs mention below.
(Short answer type questions, each question of 3 marks)
1.What is interference ?
2. What is diffraction ?
3. What is polarization of light ?
is LASER ?
5.What is Curie law of ferromagnetism ?
are seven crystal systems ?
7. What
is pointing theorem ?
( Long Answer type Questions, Each questions of 5 marks)
8.Give the theory of plane
transmission diffraction grating.
9.Describe construction and working
of Ruby laser or He-Ne laser.
10.What is
super conducitivity ? Give some examples of superconductors. Explain meissner effect ,critical magnetic
field type 1st and type 2ndsuperconductors, persistent
11.Explain ferromagnetism ,
ferroelectricty piezoelectricity
12.Mention Maxwell equation of
electromagnetism. Write any one of them in integral form.
13.What is double refraction ? Give
its examples showing ordinary and extraordinary rays.
- Note these all questions or you can download the whole doc from here
For any query feel free to Contect Us
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